​Student Life

Sport is a vital component in the development of pupils of all ages, A football match, a swimming tournament are all experiences from which one can learn the value of teamwork and develop a healthy competitive attitude. Sports and games are available at different levels. From interschool matches, to house competitions to after school clubs and activities, pupils will always find an activity they can enjoy.
The important thing is to join in!
Physical Education P.E forms an integral part of the curriculum at the school and is also a major area of extracurricular activity it is considered a healthy way to develop pupils' physical competence and confidence it also promotes physical coordination physical development and knowledge of the body in action.
The school regularly competes in several activities as well as giving opportunities for the students to compete in inter house competitions within school or to pursue an activity for enjoyment without competition after school clubs are currently offered in football, gymnastics, and swimming.

Final Football tournment match between IGCSE and National teams.
National Team WINS!!!

The music department encourages students to explore a variety of musical styles through performance, Composition and listening. Activities are devised, not only to meet the needs of the curriculum, but also to enhance students' enjoyment and knowledge of music. Students will have opportunities to work in class music making activities. Singing and group performance with percussion instruments take place at all levels.
Visual Arts
Elwy Schools continues to support the Arts and students are finding new ways of expressing their ideas in the forms of sculpture, painting, mixed media. Their work often reflects their personality and includes experiences from their diverse cultural backgrounds. The students' work at each level, is celebrated and valued equally.


Drama Club
Drama at the school offers pupils an additional source of development and is an integral part of the school's commitment to offer each child a broad educational experience. To that end, the school puts on a number of plays and musicals throughout the year. Each individual child , with due encouragement , is expected to take part.
School productions provide students with unique opportunities to work in groups and teams and typically involve many staff and parents further strengthening the school's sense of community. Our drama productions offer children the opportunity to experience the full range of variables that go into a production: from lighting, sound ,decoration to the nerves of a full house.