School Regulations
Elwy Language School (ELS) Times 7:30 am – 2:30 pm
Elwy British International School (EBS) Times 7:30 am – 2:45 pm
Please ensure that your child arrives on time. Punctuality is a quality to be encouraged from a very early age. Parents have a legal responsibility to ensure their children’s regular attendance at school and it is important that we are informed of the reason for any absence. You can do this by telephoning or by letter .Where no notification is received, we are obliged to record it as an “unauthorized absence”.
Arriving at school:
Please be careful when delivering and collecting your child by car. Parking is difficult around the school entrance and parked cars present a danger to children.
Delivering and collecting children:
At 7.45 am a bell is rung and the children are welcomed into the playground of the school. From the moment the children enter school we begin to encourage their independence, carrying their own schools bags and taking care of their own things. The start of the school day is usually quite hectic with lots of things to show and talk about.
If you need to have a word with the teacher about anything important, please make arrangements with the school headmistress to see the teacher. In the event of late arrival (after 8.00 am) it is important to report to the headmistress’s office.
For reasons of safety, all infant children are expected to be collected from the school gate by a responsible adult at the end of the school day. Let the headmistress know of any changes in arrangements for your child’s collection.
Parent/Teacher Meetings:
Parent/Teacher meetings are usually arranged to allow parents the opportunity to discuss their children’s progress with the teacher. Parents are, of course, welcome to make appointments to see teachers or the Head teacher whenever the need may arise.
Pastoral Care:
Please let us know of any changing family circumstances which might affect your child’s school progress.The Head and the staff work closely together in consultation with the parents to ensure the welfare of the children in the school.
School Discipline:
Discipline within the school is fostered by encouraging in each child a sense of respect for others and their property. This leads to the growth of self-respect and self-discipline in the individual.Children work and learn best in a happy, calm and well ordered atmosphere.
Your support in maintaining that good order will help to ensure your child’s best progress. Please ensure that your child is helped to understand the importance of school, of working hard, cooperating with others and being generally well behaved.The school has a behaviour and discipline policy based on positive reinforcement – we prefer to give praise rather than criticism. We encourage children in a variety of ways to work hard and behave well towards one another. Inevitably, there will be occasions when we need to let children know that misbehaviour is unacceptable.
We always try to ensure that any form of chastisement is reasonable, usually taking the form of loss of some privilege or exclusion from some activity. Corporal punishment is never used in the school.If pupils choose to follow the school rules then the effectiveness of our school will increase.
Pupils will have more time to spend on their learning and teachers will have more time to devote to their job-teaching. Moreover, there will be less time spent on the few children who choose to misbehave.The Head teacher will consult and advise parents in the event of any serious or continuing problem of behaviour arising with a particular child.
Lost Property:
IMPORTANT – All items should be marked with your child’s name.
Marked items of clothing are quickly and easily returned to their respective owners. Unmarked items go straight into our “Lost Property Room”. Please check your child’s belongings regularly and make sure that they are clearly marked.
School Uniform:
The school uniform is based on the school colours of blue and yellow. Appropriate school clothing is available at Gelgela stores. School Uniform makes an important contribution to the ethos of the school and the work and attitude of the children. Those pupils who come to school dressed for work seem to do better than those who come dressed for play.
Please, ensure that your child is dressed in clothes that he/she can easily manage. Avoid tight fitting clothes (jeans are particularly difficult and are not considered suitable school wear) trousers being far more suitable.Your co-operation in ensuring that your child wears uniform to school is essential.
For reasons of safety and security rings, earrings and other items of jewellery should not be worn to school.
Parents are kindly asked to give details of various contact telephone numbers/addresses which we could use in the event of your child becoming ill or having an accident. It is absolutely vital that we have another person to contact in case we cannot for some reason get in touch with you. Please ensure that this form is returned promptly and do remember to update information during the year, whenever necessary.
It is vital that you have your child’s eyesight and hearing tested at regular intervals. It is also vital that you check your child’s hair and nail very regularly.
Minor illness at school:
Children are sometimes sent to school with the remains of a cold etc. and we are often asked to keep children in at playtime under such circumstances. This is not possible except under the most exceptional of cases. Generally speaking if a child is not well enough to go out to play for a short while, we do not feel that she/he is well enough to come to school.
Tummy Upsets:
Tummy upsets spread through the school very quickly. In the event of your child suffering from sickness or diarrhea please keep him/her at home for a full 24 hours after the symptoms have subsided.
Policy on Administration of Medicine in School:
Pupils who are unwell should not be sent to school. However, doctors frequently advise that pupils may attend school while still needing to take medicines, either because they are suffering from some chronic illness or allergy, or because they are recovering from a short-term illness and are undergoing a course of treatment needing antibiotics.
If a pupil needs a dose of medicine, then:
A written request must be received,
The smallest practicable dose should be brought to school (preferably by the parent) with clear written instructions for administration and giving the name of the pupil,
The medicine should not be kept by the pupil but in a secure place out of reach of pupils,
The medicine should be self-administered if possible under the supervision of an adult. This may be the school doctor or someone acting under her authority.
Teachers are not under any obligation to administer medicines,
Parents of children who are asthma sufferers are asked to let us have full details of their child’s condition and treatment Staff is not permitted to give any medicines without a written request from the parents giving all necessary details.
Extra-Curricular Activities:
During the school year it is usual for a number of activities to be organized. A wide offering of sports activities is available to all pupils, such as basketball, volleyball and football. Additional activities include ballet and dance, scouting programs, drama, swimming and music clubs.
Our infant children are expected to read at home each evening for a few minutes. As they move up into Years 1 & 2, they will have some homework to do at home. As children move up into higher classes there will be an increasing amount of homework set by teachers.

School Uniform Policy:
*The school uniform should be worn at all times in school. Exception may be made for special events only. The school will give prior notice on these occasions.
*The PE uniform should only be worn on PE days and school trip days.
*Black shoes and white socks are to be worn with the school uniform and black or white trainers with the PE uniform.
*Allowed hairstyles for students:
- Boys should wear their hair in a short, familiar haircut.
- Girls hair must be tied back neatly. Only white or blue hair accessories are allowed.
*Any student out of school uniform will be subject to strict actions being taken in accordance with the school discipline plan.
*Parents are responsible for their children’s personal hygiene (hair hygiene, shower hygiene, dental hygiene, nail hygiene, toilet hygiene, etc.).
*** School Commencement ***
School starts at 7:30 am. Any student coming to school after the morning line has finished will not be allowed to enter the class with effect
Thank you
School Administration